Quantity Takeoffs and Estimates

Our quantity takeoff services cater to small and medium-sized trade contractors, providing essential support to expand your bid and budgeting capacity.

Increased bid win rates

Price more work, win more work

Reduced hiring, training, and HR costs

Build and retain a long-term, scalable estimating team

Increased margin on projects

Spend less time on takeoffs and more time on strategic work

Features of Our Takeoff Services

  • An outsourced, off-shore team of highly skilled, highly trained estimators with over a combined 20+ years of experience working for US construction companies.

  • Redundancy – with multiple team members trained to support each clients’ estimating team.

  • A time-zone advantage – our team can deliver projects overnight, allowing company estimators to better manage their time and focus.

  • A US-based Client Success Manager to ensure seamless communication with the overseas team.

Our Approach

  • Thorough and efficient client-onboarding process to document client-specific takeoff requirements.
  • Detailed takeoffs and deep expertise in On Center’s On-Screen Takeoff and Quickbid.
  • Cloud-based project management tool for clients to have full control over budget and timelines.

Our Process

01. Client Sends Project

Client sends drawings / plans, special instructions / scope, and due date –

02. Juniper Reviews Project

Juniper downloads and reviews the information we have received before adding the project to our queue. For larger projects, we will estimate the amount of effort needed.

03. Juniper Completes Project Setup

Juniper assigns the project to client’s resource and begins project set up, including hotlinks and renaming.

04. Juniper Works on Project

Juniper resource begins work. On larger projects, we will schedule progressive reviews to ensure estimate approach alignment.

05. Juniper Sends Questions / RFIs

Juniper will send questions via email as our team continues to progress; client may send an RFI to GC.

06. Juniper Completes Quality Control Review

After Juniper resource has completed the project, a senior Juniper resource reviews and compares against our pre-approved project checklist and detailed takeoff instructions.

07. Juniper Delivers Project

Once complete, Juniper sends the deliverables to the client.

08. Weekly Calls

Juniper facilitates weekly calls to review questions about upcoming projects, feedback on past projects, and what’s in the pipeline for next week.

Our Outsourcing Principles

  • Custom takeoffs built to client’s exact specifications.

  • One dedicated team member who learns each clients’ individual way of estimating and takeoffs.

  • An engaged team member whose outputs become increasingly seamless with training and regular feedback.